When you rely on your vehicle every day, the last thing you want is to discover it’s having issues, particularly with it starting. These are a few reasons why your car won’t start, according to our Alfa Romeo service experts at Helfman Alfa Romeo of Sugar Land.
Out of Fuel
When you have a busy and hectic day, it’s easy to overlook filling up your car with gas. If your vehicle is attempting to turn over but doesn’t want to start, it may just need a little gas. While inconvenient, this is luckily a quick fix.
Dead Battery
A dead battery is a common culprit when your vehicle won’t start. It’s easy to strain your battery, so we recommend having it routinely inspected to make sure it’s reliable.
Here are some other factors that may drain your battery:
- Leaving your lights on
- Extreme temperatures
- Dirty or corroded connections
- Frequently taking short trips
- Old age
Bad Alternator
Has your vehicle been stalling lately? Do your interior lights appear dim, or have you been having issues with your accessories? If you’ve had these problems and now your vehicle won’t start, you likely have a bad alternator.
Dead Key Fob Battery
Most drivers don’t even consider this issue, but if your key fob battery is dead, your car won’t start. A push button start needs to receive a signal from the key fob to start, so, without it, it can’t. Luckily, this is an easy fix too.
Visit Our Service Center Today
If you’re having issues with your vehicle starting, it’s important to see us right away. Reach out to our auto service center in Houston, TX to schedule an appointment today!